Thursday 11 June 2009

Q. What's the connection between defeating fundamentalism and getting electoral and constitutional reform?

Bertrand Russell Quote [1]

SOURCE and stimulas for this post

Thanks to Justin Gero for the Russell quote. 

Ironically Russell's  reference to heart is exactly what true religion is - heart-knowing. 

Perhaps Russell understood as Einstein, that great mystic, understood that our heart or 'right-brain' part of being human was an essential way of knowing – de-legitimized through the scramble to intolerantly worship the Enlightenment god of reason.  

We have three ways of truth telling; 1) our reasoning 'left-brain' (internalized objective truths from the Sciences), 2) our moral sense (internalized truths from the Humanities, and 3) our subjective reading of reality (internalized truths from the Arts).  Insanity is judging any one of these in terms of the other.  In these three we are human along with living in groups and communities.

"All religions, including atheism and humanism, are worse than useless unless you can show that through them or it you are are happily creating beauty, doing good, and discovering truth, whilst celebrating unity in diversity. 

If you, or I, hold to a religion and it doesn't lead to those quintessential human activities not only is it worse than useless,we thereby are shown to be hypocrites.

It doesn't much matter what you or I believe as long as the result is acts of truth, beauty and goodness whilst celebrating unity in diversity.”  

'God' has no religion.'  We on the other hand each have a unique belief system and viewpoint, full of wonderful things - including errors.  Most religions have been debased via the manipulations of men.  But they all started in one of the two senses of wonder – the state of wonderment at the beauty  of being.  The trouble starts when we try to give accounts of our experiences – and then try to impose them on others.

I have a model of these ideas if you are interested - HERE

Q. What's the connection between defeating fundamentalism and getting electoral & constitutional reform?

A. Getting people to understand the three ways of truth-telling and of engaging with reality.




Posted via web from sunwalking's posterous

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